Council Minutes

Council Chambers & Electronic Meeting
  • Mayor S. Goodmanson
  • Councillor K. Guiry
  • Councillor C. Harder - Remote
  • Councillor M. Morley
  • Councillor L. Szpak
  • Councillor M. Wagner
  • Councillor K. Yacucha
  • D. Kiedyk, Chief Administrative Officer
  • M. Watmough, Director of Legislative & Protective Services
  • M. Baldwin, Director of Development Services
  • L. Stohmann, Director of Community Planning & Climate Change
  • M. Dillabaugh, Director of Finance
  • K. Balzer, Director of Engineering and Public Works
  • Y. Nielsen, Director of Parks, Recreation and Facilities
  • K. Dube, Senior Manager of Information Technology and GIS
  • D. Petrie, Senior Manager of Business Development and Events
  • M. Miles, Manager of Legislative Services
  • L. Zetaruk, Analyst
  • N. Johnston, Legislative Services Administrative Coordinator

Meeting available by teleconference.

Mayor Goodmanson called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm.

Councillor Guiry read the City of Langford's Territorial Acknowledgment.

M. Miles, Manager of Legislative Services read the City of Langford's meeting conduct rules.


    THAT Council approve the agenda as presented.

    Motion CARRIED.

V. Zlatic, General Manager of Lime Canada and S. Kandola, Director of Government Relations of Lime Canada joined the meeting virtually and provided a presentation to Council. 

Councillor Harder joined the meeting virtually via Zoom at 7:08pm.

Mayor Goodmanson opened the floor to questions and comments from Council. V. Zlatic, General Manager of Lime Canada  and S. Kandola, Director of Government Relations of Lime Canada responded. 

Mayor Goodmanson opened public participation at 7:37pm 

W. Hobbs, Langford Resident - Item 13.4 - Speaker expressed concern with the traffic volume and studies in the past undertaken on Luxton Road.  Speaker wishes to see the City conduct a new traffic study in the area. Speaker wishes to see sidewalks added to Luxton Road. Speaker would like to see changes to road usage on Luxton Road to limit large delivery trucks. Speaker noted that Luxton is a roadway with highway, connector roads, and residential roads. 

W. Bowers, Langford Resident - Item 6, 7, 9, and 13.7 - Speaker expressed concern regarding questions asked via email concerning the application at 775 Latoria Road, and requested a response from either staff or Council.

R. Louie, Langford Resident - Item 5.1 - Speaker expressed curiosity regarding hours of use of electric scooters and bicycles.  Item 10.2 - Speaker expressed support for Option 1 as presented.  Item 10.3 - Speaker expressed support for Option 1 as presented. Item 10.4 - Speaker expressed support for Option 1 as presented. 

Mayor Goodmanson closed Public Participation at 7:43pm. 

Minutes of the West Shore Parks & Recreation Society Annual General Meeting (Adopted) - June 15, 2023 (RECEIVE)

Minutes of the West Shore Parks & Recreation Society Annual General Meeting (Draft) - June 13, 2024 (RECEIVE)

Minutes of the Special Council Meeting - July 15, 2024 (ADOPT)

Minutes of the Council Meeting - July 15, 2024 (ADOPT)

Minutes of the Sustainable Development Advisory Committee Meeting - August 12, 2024 (RECEIVE)


    THAT Council adopt the recommendations for each item of the Consent Agenda as presented.

    • Minutes of the West Shore Parks & Recreation Society Annual General Meeting (Adopted) - June 15, 2023 (RECEIVE)
    • Minutes of the West Shore Parks & Recreation Society Annual General Meeting (Draft) - June 13, 2024 (RECEIVE)
    • Minutes of the Special Council Meeting - July 15, 2024 (ADOPT)
    • Minutes of the Council Meeting - July 15, 2024 (ADOPT)
    • Minutes of the Sustainable Development Advisory Committee Meeting - August 12, 2024 (RECEIVE)
    Motion CARRIED.

There were no items removed from the Consent Agenda for consideration. 


    THAT Council:

    1. Proceed with consideration of First, Second, and Third Reading of Bylaw No. 2193 to amend the text of the section 3.26.02(10) of the Zoning Bylaw No. 300 to allow for a 100-child group daycare on the property located at 991 & 995 Latoria Road, subject to the following terms and conditions:


      1. That the applicant, prior to Bylaw Adoption, registers a Section 219 covenant in priority of all other charges on title, that agrees that the strata be responsible for maintaining the boulevard landscaping back of the sidewalk, with the exception of boulevard trees.
    Motion CARRIED.

    THAT Council:

    1. Proceed with consideration of First, Second, and Third Reading of Bylaw No. 2192, following public notification, to amend the zoning designation of the property located at 967A Isabell Avenue from RS1 and R2 to RT1 subject to the following terms and conditions:


      1. That the applicant provides, as a bonus for increased density, the following contributions per dwelling unit, prior to the issuance of a building permit:


        1. $610 towards the Affordable Housing Reserve Fund; and
        2. $3,660 towards the General Amenity Reserve Fund;
      2. That the applicant provides, prior to Bylaw Adoption, a release of the covenant that was previously registered under CA5774371 through Bylaw No. 1646, and registers a Section 219 covenant in priority of all other charges on title, that agrees to the following:
        1. That the following will be provided and implemented to Bylaw No. 1000 standards to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering prior to the issuance of a building permit:
          1. Full frontage improvements; and
          2. A storm water management plan.


        2. That the following will be provided and implemented to Bylaw No. 1000 standards to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering prior to any land alterations:
          1. A mitigation plan;
          2. A construction parking and deliveries management; and
          3. An erosion and sediment control plan.


        3. That, prior to the issuance of a Development Permit, the developer completes the process of road closure and disposition, and consolidates approximately 163.4m² of municipal road right of way into the subject property;


        4. That a separate covenant be registered, prior to issuance of a building permit for the proposed development, agreeing that the garages are to be used for the parking of vehicles and not the storage of items preventing the parking of vehicles therein, in favour of the strata;


        5. That a separate covenant is registered, prior to issuance of a building permit for the proposed development agreeing that the strata be responsible for maintaining the boulevard landscaping from the back of the sidewalk with the exception of boulevard trees;


        6. That all concrete used on-site will utilize ready-mix concrete that meets or exceeds the weighted average Global Warming Potential targets based on Concrete BC Baseline (average) mix data, and that prior to the issuance of a Building Permit the applicant shall provide a Type III Environmental Product Declaration that is 3rd party verified specifying the total Global Warming Potential value and confirming that the proposed development meets the requirements of Low Carbon Concrete Policy POL-0167-PLAN;


        7. That electric heat pumps are installed in each townhouse unit;


        8. That tree protection measures, inclusive of tree protection fencing, are implemented prior to commencement of work to protect the trees identified for retention in the arborist report throughout the construction period. A written confirmation from the project arborist that the tree protection fencing was installed shall be submitted to the City, prior to the commencement of work, to the satisfaction of the Director of Parks, Recreation and Facilities;


        9. That the large diameter cypress tree currently existing within the frontage shall be retained. If the tree cannot be retained under the current proposal, the proposal shall be adjusted accordingly to ensure preservation of the tree. If mutually agreed upon by the developer and the City of Langford that the tree cannot be preserved, then a cash contribution based on the assessed value of the tree shall apply and be payable by the developer to the City of Langford, prior to occupancy permit. If the tree is removed without the consent of the City of Langford, the developer shall provide a cash contribution to the City equal to three (3) times the assessed value of the tree.



    2. Amend the text of Schedule AD of the Zoning Bylaw No. 300 to remove the amenity contributions related to Bylaw No. 1646;



    3. Direct staff to prepare a Bylaw to proceed with the road closure and disposition of approximately 163.4m² of municipal road right of way as shown on the Road Closure Plan, attached to this report.



    4. Authorize the Director of Development Services to issue the following variance in the Form and Character Development Permit:

      1. Section 6.28.07(d) be varied to reduce the minimum rear yard setback from the required 5.5m to 5.0m.


    Motion CARRIED.

    THAT Council take no action with respect to this application to rezone 728 Massie Drive and 2746 Dinan Place under Bylaw No. 2097 until such time as the following items are addressed and reviewed by the Sustainable Development Advisory Committee:

    1. Substantial completion of the proposed development concept, including the commercial opportunities;
    2. Surface parking for any commercial opportunities;
    3. Water table depth;
    4. Bicycle parking and alternative transportation opportunities; and
    5. Early Guidance Guidelines for development be utilized.
    Motion CARRIED.

    THAT Council:

    1. That Council direct staff to provide notice that Council will consider issuing a Temporary Use Permit for FedEx Freight to operate a mobile sorting facility business at 3301 Woodruff Road (Lot B PID 030-095-883 & Lot C PID 030-095-891), subject to the following terms and conditions:


      1. That the Temporary Use Permit is issued for a period of three years from time of issuance;


      2. That the operator of the business obtains a Business Licence from the City of Langford; and


      3. That road access to the site is provided to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering and the Fire Chief, prior to the issuance of a Business Licence.


    Motion CARRIED.



    THAT Council direct staff to prepare a bylaw that allows micromobility service providers to apply for a permit or licence to occupy certain areas of the City’s road right-of-way or other City owned lands with specific approval requirements and a set fee structure.

    Motion CARRIED.

    THAT Council authorize staff to execute the Dog Park Area Licence with Wal-Mart Canada Corp. to establish an off-leash area on a portion of 860 Langford Parkway, Victoria, British Columbia V9B 2S2 substantially as drafted and attached to this report, with such minor amendments as may be necessary.

    Motion CARRIED.

    THAT Council direct staff to send a letter to the West Shore municipalities of Colwood, Highlands, Metchosin, and View Royal to seek interest in collaborating to support Vancouver Island Supports the Ukraine in their fundraising activities supporting the Ukraine;


    That Council direct staff to work with VISU to explore establishing a Friendship City agreement with one of the Ukraine municipalities of Horohiv, Boratyn, Olyka, Kamin-Kashyrsk, and Kivertsy either individually or as a collaboration with one or more of the West Shore municipalities.

    Motion CARRIED.
  • Amendment:

    THAT the following be added to the end of the main motion: 

    "AND THAT Council consider contributing $5000.00 annually in support of the Ukraine through the Friendship City program through the City of Langford's Financial Plan."

    Motion CARRIED.

    THAT Council approve the Lease Agreement renewal with Westshore Kimura Shukokai Karate for the premises municipally described as #211 and #215 1097 Langford Parkway, for a period of two years commencing on September 1st, 2024;


    THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer, or Corporate Officer, to execute the agreement on the terms substantially as presented, although minor amendments may be made prior to signing.

    Motion CARRIED.

    THAT Council direct staff to write a letter of support to the West Shore Parks and Recreation Society for the request to use up to $400,000 from the West Shore Parks and Recreation Society general capital reserve to fund the construction of six outdoor pickleball courts on West Shore Parks and Recreation Society's property.

    Motion CARRIED.

    THAT Council authorize the Mayor and CAO or Corporate Officer to sign on behalf of the City the rollover of the West Shore Parks & Recreation Society Governance Agreements for an additional 5-year term from March 1st , 2025 to February 28th, 2030, with the understanding that amendments to the Governance Agreements may be considered due to the potential West Shore Regional Parks & Recreation Facilities Master Plan process.

    Motion CARRIED.

    Whereas Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility CertificationTM (RHFAC) is a national rating system that measures and certifies the level of meaningful access of buildings and sites and the Rick Hansen Foundation found that 64% of Canadians have a disability or take care of a person with a disability.

    And Whereas, one of the key findings of a 2020 Cost Comparison Feasibility Study issued by HCMA Architecture + Design was that when meeting the National Building Code there was a cost increase of 1% to achieve Rick Hansen Foundation Certified Gold which reinforces that “accessibility can be achieved with minimal cost impact through commitment to thoughtful/universal design”.

    Therefore, Langford Council directs staff to consider Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility CertificationTM (RHFAC) when completing the upcoming review of Langford’s Design Guidelines.

    Motion CARRIED.



“Langford Zoning Bylaw, Amendment No. 715, (875 and 881 Brock Avenue, and 2700, 2708, and 2712 Strathmore Road), Bylaw No. 2163, 2024". (ADOPTION)


    THAT Council adopt Bylaw No. 2163.

    Motion CARRIED.

“Langford Zoning Bylaw, Amendment No. 717 (775 Latoria Road), Bylaw No. 2165, 2024". (ADOPTION)

Mayor Goodmanson opened the floor to questions and comments from Council. K. Balzer, Director of Engineering and Public Works responded. 


    THAT Council adopt Bylaw No. 2165.

    Motion CARRIED.

"City of Langford Zoning Bylaw, Amendment No. 724 (2691 Sooke Road), Bylaw No. 2174, 2024". (ADOPTION)

Mayor Goodmanson opened the floor to questions and comments from Council. K. Balzer, Director of Engineering and Public Works responded. 


    THAT Council adopt Bylaw No. 2174.

    Motion CARRIED.

“Langford Zoning Bylaw, Amendment No. 725 (3321 Luxton Road), Bylaw No. 2180, 2024". (FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD READINGS)

Please see background report here Staff Report July 8, 2024 

Mayor Goodmanson opened the floor to questions and comments from Council. K. Balzer, Director of Engineering and Public Works responded. 


    THAT Council give Bylaw No. 2180 first, second and third readings.

    Motion CARRIED.

“Langford Zoning Bylaw, Amendment No. 727 (1331 Westhills Drive), Bylaw No. 2184, 2024". (FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD READINGS) 

Please see background report here Staff Report July 15, 2024


    THAT Council give Bylaw No. 2184 first, second and third readings.

    Motion CARRIED.

"City of Langford Housing Agreement (980 Bray Avenue) Bylaw No. 2186, 2024”. (FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD READINGS)


    THAT Council give Bylaw No. 2186 first, second and third readings.

    Motion CARRIED.

“Langford Zoning Bylaw, Amendment No. 728 (2787 Lakeview Terrace), Bylaw No. 2188, 2024". (FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD READINGS)

Please see background report here Staff Report July 8, 2024


    THAT Council give Bylaw No. 2188 first, second and third readings.

    Motion CARRIED.

“City of Langford Housing Agreement (2705 Claude Road) Bylaw No. 2189, 2024”. (FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD READINGS)


    THAT Council give Bylaw No. 2189 first, second and third readings.

    Motion CARRIED.

"City of Langford Freedom of Information Bylaw No. 1925, 2020, Amendment No. 1, Bylaw No. 2195, 2024" (ADOPTION) 


    THAT Council adopt Bylaw No. 2195.

    Motion CARRIED.

    OPPOSED: Mayor Goodmanson, Councillor Guiry, and Councillor Wagner 

“Parks Recreation and Community Service Establishment Bylaw No. 639, 2001 Amendment No. 1, Bylaw No. 2196, 2024". (FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD READINGS)


    THAT Council give Bylaw No. 2196 first, second, and third reading.

    Motion CARRIED.

    THAT Council close the meeting to the public pursuant to section 90 (1) (a) and (e) of the Community Charter to consider:

    • personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality;
    • the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality.
    Motion CARRIED.

    The meeting went In Camera at 8:43pm. 


    THAT Council adjourn the meeting at 9:29 pm. 

No Item Selected