Council Agenda

Council Chambers & Electronic Meeting

Electronic Meeting Instructions

To Join a Meeting:

Log into or the Zoom app on your device.

Enter the Meeting ID: 897 0956 7061

Dial In:  1-855-703-8985 (Canada Toll Free) or 1-778-907-2071 Meeting ID:  897 0956 7061

To Participate:  During the public participation period, press Star (*) 9 to "raise your hand".

Participants will be unmuted one by one when it is their turn to speak.

When called upon, you will have to press *6 to unmute the phone from your side as well.

We may experience a delay in opening the meeting due to technical difficulties. In the event that the meeting does not start as scheduled please be patient and stay on the line, we will get started as quickly as possible. 

Public Dial-In Details are also posted at



“Langford Zoning Bylaw, Amendment No. 678, (975, 979, and 983 Bray Avenue), Bylaw No. 2080, 2022". (ADOPTION)

“City of Langford Tree Protection Bylaw No. 2117, 2023”. (GIVE FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD READINGS)

"District of Langford Ticket Information Authorization Bylaw Amendment No. 20, Bylaw No. 2118, 2023”. (GIVE FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD READINGS)