P. Hamilton, Langford Resident - re: Item 10.1 - The speaker expressed support for this application. The speaker would like a variety of vendors on Station Ave. re: Item 13.4 - The speaker expressed support for the Bylaw Nos. 2167 and 2168. The speaker expressed concern regarding the amount of funding allowable in the budget for accessibility. The speaker expressed the want for a Special Community Advisory Committee meeting to discuss the allocation of such funds. re: Item 13.5 - The speaker supports the changes to Bylaw No. 2175. However, would like to see an added amendment in the future to reflect a time limit for the placement and removable of signs on City property including a fine to those that do not adhere to such limits. re: Item 13.7 - The speaker supports the Tree Protection Bylaw.
G. Haythornthwaite, Langford Resident - re: Item 13.4 - The speaker expressed concerns about the process of developing a financial plan without public input. The speaker expressed a need for a financial plan committee for public input. The speaker expressed concern regarding the rules for large corporations and small business paying the same amount of taxes. The speaker expressed the need for a City services review.
D. Stroud, Langford Resident - re: Item 13.4 - The speaker expressed support for the funding of more RCMP officers and supports the introduction of planning and staffing for climate mitigation. re: Item 13.5 - The speaker expressed concern regarding bringing signs into Chambers and does not agree with the amendment Bylaw proposed. The speaker would like the section of the Bylaw that does not allow public participation to speak to a zoning application at adoption removed. re: Item 9.1.1 - The speaker would like the developers to be held financially responsible for removing trees before a development permit was approved. re: Item 13.7 - The speaker supports Option 1 of the resolutions of Bylaw No. 2179.
W. Hobbs, 3442 Luxton Rd - re: Item 13.4 - The speaker expressed concern regarding the sidewalk infill project.
G. Boivin, Langford Resident - The speaker expressed concern regarding items not on the agenda.
Belinda Langford Resident - re: Item 9.1.1 - The speaker would like the developers to be held financially responsible for removing trees before a Development permit was approved. re: Item 11.1 - The speaker expressed concern regarding affordability in the Attainable Home Ownership Policy. re: Item 13.4 - The speaker supports the introduction of planning and staffing for climate mitigation. re: Item 13.5 & 13.6 - The speaker would like Council to protect public participation at all meetings.
K. Robinson, Langford Resident - re: Item 13.4 - The speaker supports the introduction of planning and staffing for climate mitigation. re: Item 13.1 - The speaker supports tiered retaining walls. re: Item 9.1.1 - The speaker would like the developers to be held financially responsible for removing trees before a development permit was approved.
D. Strongitham, Burdett Ave, Victoria - re: Item 13.3 - The speaker provided information regarding the zoning details of Bylaw No. 2166.
R. Glenn, Langford Resident - re: Item 13.4 - The speaker voiced opposition the proposed tax increase. The speaker expressed concern regarding the use of funding for sidewalks. The speaker would like Council to reach out to former Council members for advice. The speaker expressed concern about asking for local support in developing the financial plan.
F. Johnson, Hannington Rd - re: Item 13.4 - The speaker supports the budget, however, was disappointed with some items within the budget including the YMCA. The speaker would like Council to revisit the business class taxation policies. re: Item 13.5 - The speaker requested that the option to only speak to agenda items during public participation be removed.
W. Bowers, Langford Resident - re: Item 13.4 - The speaker expressed disappointment regarding a tax increase. re: Item 13.7 - The speaker expressed concern regarding the tree protection bylaw. re: Item 12 - The speaker expressed concern regarding the requirements to have public input such as correspondence, on the agenda.
E. Daniels, Gade Rd - re: Item 13.4 - The speaker expressed concern regarding the tax increase noting it was the highest in the area.
At 7:39 pm. Council made a motion to extend the public participation. Please see the motion below.
C. Foxall, Players Dr - re: Item 13.4 - The speaker expressed concerns regarding the tax increase.
N. Zed, Langford Resident - re: Item 13.7 - The speaker would like an amendment to the tree protection bylaw specifying certain species to be protected. re: Item 13.4 - The speaker expressed support for the budget but would like more information regarding the YMCA. re: Item 9.1.1 - The speaker would like the developers to inform neighbors earlier in the process.
B. Armstrong, Rodney Rd - re: Item 13.4 - The speaker expressed concern regarding the tax increase. The speaker requested more information regarding the YMCA.
N. Johal, Langford Resident - re: Item 13.4 - The speaker expressed concern regarding the tax increase. The speaker expressed concern regarding the use of amenity funding being used for sidewalks. re: Item 13.3 - The speaker expressed support for the proposed development.
D. Dingham, Langford Resident - re: Item 13.4 - The speaker expressed concern regarding the tax increase and the effects on renters.
L. Foxall, Langford Resident - re: Item 13.7 - The speaker requested that Council protect public participation. The speaker disagrees with the idea of charging fines for sign placement. re: Item 13.4 - The speaker does not support the Bylaws. The speaker expressed concern about the effects of the tax increase to renters.
R. Louie, Langford Resident - re: Item 13.5 - The speaker supports the amendments to the Bylaw. The speaker requested that the speaker during the public participation states what area of the City they reside. re: Item 11.4 - The speaker supports the amendments. re: Item 13.4 - The speaker does not support the tax increase. The speaker expressed concern about support for renters.
S. Plank, Langford Resident - re: Item 9.1.1 - The speaker would like the developers to be held financially responsible for removing trees before a development permit was approved. re: Item 11.1 - The speaker expressed concern regarding the criteria for the program. The speaker would like the program to include an affordability aspect. re: Item 13.5 & 13.6 - The speaker requested that Council protect public participation. The speaker would like the section of the Bylaw that does not allow public participation to speak to a zoning application at adoption to be removed. re: Item 13.4 - The speaker supports the 2024 use of amenity funds. The speaker would like a review of the privatization of City services.
S. Sifert, Langford Resident - re: Item 13.4 - The speaker does not support the bylaws. The speaker expressed concern that projects are moving forward before the financial plan is approved. re: Item 13.7 - The speaker does not support the bylaw.
R. McKenzie, Langford Resident - re: Item 13.1 - The speaker expressed concern regarding the bylaw. The speaker requested a 30-day review before approving the bylaw.
M. McNealy, Lakehurst Dr - re: Item 13.5 - The speaker expressed support for the amendments. re: Item 13.7 - The speaker expressed support for the bylaw.
L. Arsenault, Brock Ave - re: Item 13.7 - The speaker supports the bylaw. re: Item 13.4 - The speaker supports the budget, however, would have preferred a gradual raise in taxes.
N. Johal, Langford Resident - re: Item 13.4 - The speaker expressed concern for the cost of the consultants. The speaker expressed the tax increase will affect renters.
S. Rossander, Langford Resident - re: Item 13.4 - The speaker does not support the bylaws.