Mayor Goodmanson opened public participation at 7:49 pm
The meeting recessed at 7:54 pm and resumed at 8:10 pm
Arnold, Ravensview Drive - Item 11.3 - Speaker asked for clarity regarding approaches presented in the report. Speaker inquired as to how the project decisions are made asking if there is an equal vote (1 to 1) or weighted average vote. Speaker wished for clarity regarding this decision. Item 11.2 - Speaker inquired about the policy's options noting that option 1 had many parts that Council will have to choose from.
S. Sifert, Langford Resident - Item 11.1 and 12.9 - Speaker expressed support for option 2 of the report. Speaker expressed concern regarding consultant findings and funds spent on this initiative. 12.6 - Speaker expressed concern regarding Bylaw No. 2167 and 2168.
L. Foxall, Langford Resident - Item 12.6 - Speaker expressed concern regarding the proposed tax rates. Item 12.9 - Speaker expressed concern regarding Bylaw No. 2167 and 2168.
W. Hobbs, Langford Resident - Item 7 - Speaker clarified points made at the April 2, 2024 Council Meeting during public participation. Item 12.6 - Speaker expressed concern with the proposed tax increase and financial plan. Speaker wished to see sidewalk infill on Luxton Road moved higher on the priority list.
T. Cadeau Glenwillow Place - Item 12.4 and 12.9 - Speaker expressed concern regarding the proposed bylaw. Speaker noted removal of trees in this area has a large impact on the makeup of the neighbourhood. Speaker asked Council to consider protecting trees on the front of the lot for visuals and benefits that trees provide.
S. Perry, Glen Lake Road - Item 11.1 - Speaker expressed concern with the information presented within the report. Speaker expressed concern with extending the temporary tree bylaw. Speaker noted the tree canopy in Langford is 48%.
S. Rossander, Langford Resident - Item 12.6 - Speaker expressed concern with the item noting their understanding was that this bylaw was already approved. Speaker inquired as to why money needed to be spent on the YMCA.
Council passed a resolution to extend public participation for first time speakers.
L. Plomp, Whimfield Terrace - Item 11.1 - Speaker noted the heat effect in the downtown core as presented. Speaker expressed support for the Urban Forest Management Plan's continuation. Item 11.2 - Speaker noted there are not many successful applications and wished to see this program extended to include first responders. Item 12.6 & 12.7 - Speaker noted that tax increases are difficult, but needed.
Mayor Goodmanson closed public participation at 8:41pm.