Council Minutes

Council Chambers & Electronic Meeting
  • Mayor S. Goodmanson
  • Councillor K. Guiry
  • Councillor C. Harder
  • Councillor M. Morley
  • Councillor L. Szpak
  • Councillor M. Wagner
  • Councillor K. Yacucha
  • D. Kiedyk, Chief Administrative Officer
  • B. Hutchins, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer
  • M. Watmough, Director of Legislative & Protective Services
  • M. Baldwin, Director of Development Services
  • L. Stohmann, Director of Community Planning & Climate Change
  • M. Dillabaugh, Director of Finance
  • K. Balzer, Director of Engineering and Public Works
  • K. Dube, Senior Manager of Information Technology and GIS
  • D. Petrie, Senior Manager of Business Development and Events
  • W. Schoenefuhs, Parks Planning Coordinator
  • L. Zetaruk, Analyst
  • N. Johnston, Legislative Services Administrative Coordinator

Meeting available by teleconference.

Mayor Goodmanson called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

Councillor Szpak read the City of Langford's Territorial Acknowledgment.

M. Watmough, Director of Legislative and Protective Services read the City of Langford's meeting conduct rules.


    THAT Council approve the agenda as presented.

    Motion CARRIED.

T. Searls, Diamond Head Consulting provided an overview and presentation to Council regarding the State of the Urban Forest and Urban Forest Management Plan. 

Mayor Goodmanson opened the floor to comments and questions from Council. T. Searls, Diamond Head Consulting responded. 

J. Cullington, Juan de Fuca Performing Arts Centre Society provided a presentation to Council. 

Mayor Goodmanson opened the floor to questions and comments from Council. J. Cullington, Juan de Fuca Performing Arts Centre Society responded. 

Mayor Goodmanson opened public participation at 7:49 pm 

The meeting recessed at 7:54 pm and resumed at 8:10 pm 

Arnold, Ravensview Drive - Item 11.3 -  Speaker asked for clarity regarding approaches presented in the report. Speaker inquired as to how the project decisions are made asking if there is an equal vote (1 to 1) or weighted average vote. Speaker wished for clarity regarding this decision.  Item 11.2 - Speaker inquired about the policy's options noting that option 1 had many parts that Council will have to choose from. 

S. Sifert, Langford Resident - Item 11.1 and 12.9 - Speaker expressed support for option 2 of the report. Speaker expressed concern regarding consultant findings and funds spent on this initiative. 12.6 - Speaker expressed concern regarding Bylaw No. 2167 and 2168. 

L. Foxall, Langford Resident - Item 12.6 - Speaker expressed concern regarding the proposed tax rates. Item 12.9 - Speaker expressed concern regarding Bylaw No. 2167 and 2168. 

W. Hobbs, Langford Resident - Item 7 - Speaker clarified points made at the April 2, 2024 Council Meeting during public participation. Item 12.6 - Speaker expressed concern with the proposed tax increase and financial plan. Speaker wished to see sidewalk infill on Luxton Road moved higher on the priority list. 

T. Cadeau Glenwillow Place - Item 12.4 and 12.9 - Speaker expressed concern regarding  the proposed bylaw. Speaker noted removal of trees in this area has a large impact on the makeup of the neighbourhood. Speaker asked Council to consider protecting trees on the front of the lot for visuals and benefits that trees provide. 

S. Perry, Glen Lake Road - Item 11.1 - Speaker expressed concern with the information presented within the report. Speaker expressed concern with extending the temporary tree bylaw. Speaker noted the tree canopy in Langford is 48%. 

S. Rossander, Langford Resident - Item 12.6 - Speaker expressed concern with the item noting their understanding was that this bylaw was already approved. Speaker inquired as to why money needed to be spent on the YMCA. 

Council passed a resolution to extend public participation for first time speakers. 

L. Plomp, Whimfield Terrace - Item 11.1 - Speaker noted the heat effect in the downtown core as presented. Speaker expressed support for the Urban Forest Management Plan's continuation. Item 11.2 - Speaker noted there are not many successful applications and wished to see this program extended to include first responders. Item 12.6 & 12.7 - Speaker noted that tax increases are difficult, but needed. 

Mayor Goodmanson closed public participation at 8:41pm.  


    THAT Council take a ten minute recess beginning at 7:54 pm. 

    Motion CARRIED.

    THAT Council extend public participation for first time speakers. 

    Motion CARRIED.

Minutes of the Council Meeting - April 2, 2024 (ADOPT)

Minutes of the Special Council Meeting - April 8, 2024 (ADOPT)

Minutes of the Sustainable Development Advisory Committee Meeting - April 8, 2024 (RECEIVE)

Chair - Are there any changes to the consent agenda prior to motion?


    THAT Council adopt the recommendations for each item of the Consent Agenda as presented.

    Motion CARRIED.

No items were removed from the Consent Agenda for Council's consideration. 

Mayor Goodmanson opened the floor to questions and comments from Council. M. Baldwin, Director of Planning and Subdivision responded. 


    THAT Council:

    1. Proceed with consideration of Bylaw No. 2166 to amend the zoning designation of the properties located at 824, 832, and 838 Goldstream Avenue from the One- and Two-Family Residential (R2) Zone and the District Commercial (C3) Zone to the City Centre Pedestrian (CCP) Zone, subject to the following terms and conditions:


      1. That the applicant provides, as a bonus for increased density, the following contributions per square metre of commercial gross floor area, prior to the issuance of a building permit:


        1. $10.75 towards the General Amenity Reserve Fund;


      2. That the applicant registers, prior to Bylaw Adoption, a road dedication plan for approximately 5.25m (17.2 feet) along the frontage of 838 Goldstream Avenue, to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering;
      3. That the applicant, prior to Bylaw Adoption, registers a Section 219 covenant in priority of all other charges on title, that agrees to the following:
        1. That the following will be provided and implemented to Bylaw No. 1000 standards to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering prior to the issuance of a building permit:


          1. Full frontage improvements; and
          2. A storm water management plan;


        2. That the following will be provided and implemented to Bylaw No. 1000 standards to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering prior to land alteration:


          1. A construction parking management plan; and
          2. Mitigation plans per Section 2.5 of Bylaw 1000.


        3. That the frontage improvements are designed to maximize tree retention within the road right-of-way and completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Parks, Recreation, and Facilities, which may include cash-in-lieu of any trees not planted in accordance with the tree replanting ratio and compensation for the removal of any existing City trees.


        4. That the properties be consolidated prior to issuance of a Development Permit for Form and Character;


        5. That the building is designed to include commercial retail/restaurant space and associated patio on the ground floor facing Goldstream Ave to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning;


        6. That tree protection measures, inclusive of tree protection fencing, are implemented prior to commencement of work to protect the trees identified for retention in the arborist report throughout the construction period;
        7. That all concrete used on-site will utilize ready-mix concrete that meets or exceeds the weighted average Global Warming Potential targets based on Concrete BC Baseline (average) mix data, and that prior to the issuance of a Building Permit the applicant shall provide a Type III Environmental Product Declaration that is 3rd party verified specifying the total Global Warming Potential value and confirming that the proposed development meets the requirements of Low Carbon Concrete Policy POL-0167-PLAN;
        8. That the applicant agree by Covenant to develop the site substantially as shown at Council as a hotel with ground floor commercial.
      4. That Council authorize the Director of Planning to issue the following variances within the Form and Character Development Permit for this proposal:
        1. That Table 1 of Section 4.01.01 be varied by reducing the number of parking spaces required for a commercial retail unit from 1 per 35m² of gross floor area to nil.
        2. That Section 6.58.06 be varied by reducing the front yard setback for the pool room from the required 2.0m (6.6 feet) to 0.1m (4 inches).
      5. That Council waive a Public Hearing for this application.
    Motion CARRIED.

    That Development Variance Permit No. DVP23-0006 be issued by Council for the City of Langford to Teckloch Homes Ltd. on behalf of Patrick Stephenson to vary the minimum length of road requiring two access routes available to emergency vehicles for a 13-lot subdivision at 3405 Happy Valley Road;
    subject to the following terms and conditions:
    1. Appendix
    The site shall be developed in accordance with the site plan attached (Appendix A).
    2. Variances
    The following regulations of Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw No. 1000 be varied
    pursuant to section 498 of the Local Government Act:
    a) That section 4.17.1 be varied by increasing the minimum length of road requiring two access
    routes available to emergency vehicles from 305 m to 370 m, subject to:
    (i) That a temporary turnaround is constructed and secured to the satisfaction of the Fire
    Chief, prior to subdivision approval.

    Motion CARRIED.



L. Stohmann, Director of Community Planning and Climate Change provided an overview of the report. 

Mayor Goodmanson opened the floor to questions and comments from Council. L. Stohmann, Director of Community Planning and Climate Change responded. 


    THAT Council:

    1. Receive the State of the Urban Forest Report and Phase I Engagement Summary for information;


    2. Consider giving first, second and third readings to City of Langford Tree Protection Bylaw No. 2179, 2024.


    Motion CARRIED.

L. Stohmann, Director of Community Planning and Climate Change provided an overview of the report. 

Mayor Goodmanson opened the floor to questions and comments from Council. L. Stohmann, Director of Community Planning and Climate Change responded. 



    THAT Council:

    1. Direct staff to prepare an amendment to Policy POL-0166 -PLAN (Attainable Home Ownership Program Policy) with the following amendments:


      1. Adjust the maximum household income threshold by increasing the current amounts by 3.7%


      2. Adjust the residency criteria by permitting applicants to qualify if they have lived or worked in Langford or within Sooke, Metchosin, Colwood, View Royal or Highlands for at least the past 6 months.


      3. Specify that the down payment grant is only provided to qualified applicants that meet the current residency criteria. 
    Motion CARRIED.

    OPPOSED: Councillors Yacucha, Morley, and Harder 


    THAT Council Direct staff to explore options to adjust the structure of the Attainable Home Ownership Program and prepare a report to outline any viable options for Council’s consideration.

    Motion CARRIED.

D. Kiedyk, Chief Administration Officer provided an overview of the report. 

Mayor Goodmanson opened the floor to questions and comments from Council. D. Kiedyk, Chief Administration Officer responded. 


    THAT Council award the Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) Advisory Management Services contract for the RCMP Facilities Expansion Project to Colliers Project Leaders;


    THAT Council authorize the Mayor and the Chief Administrative Officer, or designate, to sign the Agreement for Services contract with the proponent for this work.

    Motion CARRIED.



“Langford Zoning Bylaw, Amendment No. 706 (982, 984, 986, 988 Bray Avenue), Bylaw No. 2019, 2022". (ADOPTION)


    THAT Council adopt Bylaw No. 2019

    Motion CARRIED.

“Langford Zoning Bylaw, Amendment No. 679, (Omnibus No. 60 – Various Housekeeping Items), Bylaw No. 2082, 2023". (ADOPTION)


    THAT Council adopt Bylaw No. 2082.

    Motion CARRIED.

“Bear Mountain Parkway Extension Cost Recovery Bylaw Amendment No. 1, Bylaw No. 2157, 2024”. (FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD READINGS)


    THAT Council give first, second and third readings to Bear Mountain Parkway Extension Cost Recovery Bylaw Amendment No. 1, Bylaw No. 2157, 2024.

    Motion CARRIED.

“Langford Zoning Bylaw, Amendment No. 713), (960 Jenkins Avenue), Bylaw No. 2161, 2024". (FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD READINGS)

Mayor Goodmanson opened the floor to questions and comments from Council. M. Baldwin, Director of Planning and Subdivision responded. 


    THAT Council give Bylaw No. 2161 first, second and third readings.

    Motion CARRIED.

“Langford Zoning Bylaw, Amendment No. 714, (902 Walfred Road), Bylaw No. 2162, 2024". (FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD READINGS)

Mayor Goodmanson opened the floor to questions and comments from Council. K. Balzer, Director of Engineering and Public Works responded. 


    THAT Council give Bylaw No. 2162 first, second and third readings.

    Motion CARRIED.

“City of Langford 2024-2028 Financial Plan Bylaw No. 2167, 2024”. (FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD READINGS)


"City of Langford Tax Rates Bylaw No. 2167, 2024." (FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD READINGS)


    THAT Council:

    1. Give City of Langford 2024-2028 Financial Plan Bylaw No. 2167, 2024 first, second and third readings; and
    2. Give City of Langford Tax Rates Bylaw No. 2168, 2024 first, second and third readings.
    Motion CARRIED.

"Revenue Anticipation Borrowing Bylaw No. 2177, 2024". (ADOPTION)


    THAT Council adopt Bylaw No. 2177.

    Motion CARRIED.

“City of Langford Alternative Municipal Tax Collection Scheme Bylaw, No. 2178, 2024”. (ADOPTION)


    THAT Council adopt Bylaw No. 2178.

    Motion CARRIED.

"Tree Protection Bylaw 2136, 2023, Amendment No. 1, 2024" (FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD READINGS)


    THAT Council give Bylaw No. 2179 first, second and third readings.

    Motion CARRIED.

    THAT the meeting adjourn at 9:54 pm. 

    Motion CARRIED.