Sustainable Development Advisory Committee Minutes

Council Chambers & Electronic Meeting
  • Councillor L. Szpak - Chair
  • Councillor M. Wagner - Vice-Chair - Remote
  • Councillor K. Guiry
  • V. Dumitru
  • B. Gordon - Remote
  • M. McNaughton
  • K. Nentwig
  • M. Baldwin, Director of Development Services
  • K. Balzer, Director of Engineering and Public Works
  • M. Miles, Manager of Legislative Services
  • B. Agland, System Administrator
  • B. Boisvert, Legislative Services Administrative Coordinator

Meeting available by teleconference.

The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

Committee member V. Dumitru read the City of Langford's Territorial Acknowledgment.

M. Miles, Manager of Legislative Services, read the City of Langford's meeting conduct rules.


    THAT the Committee approve the agenda as presented with the amendment of adding item 5. Chair's Comments and renumbering the agenda accordingly.

    Motion CARRIED.

Councillor Szpak, Chair of the Sustainable Development Advisory Committee acknowledged the passing of former Councillor Roger Wade. The Chair extended condolences to the Wade family. 

The Chair stated interviews were held for the two vacancies on the Sustainable Development Advisory Committee and recommendations will be brought to an upcoming meeting of Council.

The Chair informed the Committee that the Council members that sit on the Committee take a shared leadership approach and therefore will be stepping down as the Chair of the Sustainable Development Advisory Committee and Councillor Guiry will be assuming the role of Chair in September. Councillor Wagner will remain in the role of Vice Chair of the Committee. Councillor Wagner will take over the role as Chair in September 2025. Councillor Guiry will assume the role of Vice Chair beginning September 2025.


    THAT the minutes of the Sustainable Development Advisory Committee meeting held July 8, 2024 be adopted as presented. 

    Motion CARRIED.

M. Baldwin, Director of Development Services provided an overview of the application.

K. Sandhu, Applicant provided a presentation to the Committee.

The Chair opened the floor to the questions and comments from the Committee. M. Baldwin, Director of Development Services and K. Balzer, Director of Engineering and Public Works, and K. Sandhu, Applicant responded.

The Chair opened the floor to questions and comments from the public. There were none presented.


    THAT the Sustainable Development Advisory Committee recommend that Council:

    1. Proceed with consideration of First, Second, and Third Reading of Bylaw No. 2193 to amend the text of the section 3.26.02(10) of the Zoning Bylaw No. 300 to allow for a 100-child group daycare on the property located at 991 & 995 Latoria Road, subject to the following terms and conditions:


      1. That the applicant, prior to Bylaw Adoption, registers a Section 219 covenant in priority of all other charges on title, that agrees that the strata be responsible for maintaining the boulevard landscaping back of the sidewalk, with the exception of boulevard trees.
    Motion CARRIED.

M. Baldwin, Director of Development Services provided an overview of the application.

R. Sansom, Applicant representative provided a presentation to the Committee. 

The Chair opened the floor to questions and comments from the Committee. M. Baldwin, Director of Development Services, K. Balzer, Director of Engineering and Public Works, and R. Sansom, Applicant representative responded.

The Chair opened the floor to questions and comments from the public. There were none presented.


    THAT the Sustainable Development Advisory Committee recommend that Council:

    1. Proceed with consideration of First, Second, and Third Reading of Bylaw No. 2192, following public notification, to amend the zoning designation of the property located at 967A Isabell Avenue from RS1 and R2 to RT1 subject to the following terms and conditions:


      1. That the applicant provides, as a bonus for increased density, the following contributions per dwelling unit, prior to the issuance of a building permit:


        1. $610 towards the Affordable Housing Reserve Fund; and
        2. $3,660 towards the General Amenity Reserve Fund;
      2. That the applicant provides, prior to Bylaw Adoption, a release of the covenant that was previously registered under CA5774371 through Bylaw No. 1646, and registers a Section 219 covenant in priority of all other charges on title, that agrees to the following:
        1. That the following will be provided and implemented to Bylaw No. 1000 standards to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering prior to the issuance of a building permit:
          1. Full frontage improvements; and
          2. A storm water management plan.


        2. That the following will be provided and implemented to Bylaw No. 1000 standards to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering prior to any land alterations:
          1. A mitigation plan;
          2. A construction parking and deliveries management; and
          3. An erosion and sediment control plan.


        3. That, prior to the issuance of a Development Permit, the developer completes the process of road closure and disposition, and consolidates approximately 163.4m² of municipal road right of way into the subject property;


        4. That a separate covenant be registered, prior to issuance of a building permit for the proposed development, agreeing that the garages are to be used for the parking of vehicles and not the storage of items preventing the parking of vehicles therein, in favour of the strata;


        5. That a separate covenant is registered, prior to issuance of a building permit for the proposed development agreeing that the strata be responsible for maintaining the boulevard landscaping from the back of the sidewalk with the exception of boulevard trees;


        6. That all concrete used on-site will utilize ready-mix concrete that meets or exceeds the weighted average Global Warming Potential targets based on Concrete BC Baseline (average) mix data, and that prior to the issuance of a Building Permit the applicant shall provide a Type III Environmental Product Declaration that is 3rd party verified specifying the total Global Warming Potential value and confirming that the proposed development meets the requirements of Low Carbon Concrete Policy POL-0167-PLAN;


        7. That electric heat pumps are installed in each townhouse unit;


        8. That tree protection measures, inclusive of tree protection fencing, are implemented prior to commencement of work to protect the trees identified for retention in the arborist report throughout the construction period. A written confirmation from the project arborist that the tree protection fencing was installed shall be submitted to the City, prior to the commencement of work, to the satisfaction of the Director of Parks, Recreation and Facilities;


        9. That the large diameter cypress tree currently existing within the frontage shall be retained. If the tree cannot be retained under the current proposal, the proposal shall be adjusted accordingly to ensure preservation of the tree. If mutually agreed upon by the developer and the City of Langford that the tree cannot be preserved, then a cash contribution based on the assessed value of the tree shall apply and be payable by the developer to the City of Langford, prior to occupancy permit. If the tree is removed without the consent of the City of Langford, the developer shall provide a cash contribution to the City equal to three (3) times the assessed value of the tree.



    2. Amend the text of Schedule AD of the Zoning Bylaw No. 300 to remove the amenity contributions related to Bylaw No. 1646;



    3. Direct staff to prepare a Bylaw to proceed with the road closure and disposition of approximately 163.4m² of municipal road right of way as shown on the Road Closure Plan, attached to this report.



    4. Authorize the Director of Development Services to issue the following variance in the Form and Character Development Permit:

      1. Section 6.28.07(d) be varied to reduce the minimum rear yard setback from the required 5.5m to 5.0m.


    Motion CARRIED.

M. Baldwin, Director of Development Services provided an overview of the application.

S. Webb, Applicant representative provided a presentation to the Committee. 

The Chair opened the floor to questions and comments from the Committee. M. Baldwin, Director of Development Services, K. Balzer, Director of Engineering and Public Works, and S. Webb, Applicant representative responded.

The Chair opened the floor to questions and comments from the public. There were none presented.


    THAT the Sustainable Development Advisory Committee recommend that Council take no action with respect to this application to rezone 728 Massie Drive and 2746 Dinan Place under Bylaw No. 2097 until such time as the following items are addressed and reviewed by the Sustainable Development Advisory Committee:

    1. Substantial completion of the proposed development concept, including the commercial opportunities;
    2. Surface parking for any commercial opportunities;
    3. Water table depth; and
    4. Bicycle parking and alternative transportation opportunities.
  • Amendment:

    THAT the Sustainable Development Advisory Committee amend the Main Motion by adding:

    e. Early Guidance Guidelines for development be utilized.

    Motion CARRIED.

    Committee members M. McNaughton and V. Dumitru opposed.

  • On the Main Motion: 

    THAT the Sustainable Development Advisory Committee recommend that Council take no action with respect to this application to rezone 728 Massie Drive and 2746 Dinan Place under Bylaw No. 2097 until such time as the following items are addressed and reviewed by the Sustainable Development Advisory Committee:

    1. Substantial completion of the proposed development concept, including the commercial opportunities;
    2. Surface parking for any commercial opportunities;
    3. Water table depth; 
    4. Bicycle parking and alternative transportation opportunities; and
    5. Early Guidance Guidelines for development be utilized.
    Motion CARRIED.

    Committee member V. Dumitru opposed.

Committee member M. McNaughton recused himself from the meeting at 8:34 pm. due to a direct pecuniary interest in the matter, as they are employed by the applicant.

M. Baldwin, Director of Development Services provided an overview of the application.

R. Sauder, CAO Scia'new First Nation (Beecher Bay) and Councillor T. Pateman, Scia'new First Nation (Beecher Bay) Chief R. Chipps, Scia'new First Nation (Beecher Bay), Applicant provided a presentation to the Committee. 

The Chair opened the floor to questions and comments from the Committee. M. Baldwin, Director of Development Services, K. Balzer, Director of Engineering and Public Works, and S. Brennan, Applicant responded.

The Chair opened the floor to questions and comments from the public. K. Balzer, Director of Engineering and Public Works, Chief R. Chipps, Scia'new First Nation (Beecher Bay),  Councillor T. Pateman, Scia'new First Nation (Beecher Bay) Applicant responded.


    THAT the Sustainable Development Advisory Committee recommend that Council:

    1. That Council direct staff to provide notice that Council will consider issuing a Temporary Use Permit for FedEx Freight to operate a mobile sorting facility business at 3301 Woodruff Road (Lot B PID 030-095-883 & Lot C PID 030-095-891), subject to the following terms and conditions:


      1. That the Temporary Use Permit is issued for a period of three years from time of issuance;


      2. That the operator of the business obtains a Business Licence from the City of Langford; and


      3. That road access to the site is provided to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering and the Fire Chief, prior to the issuance of a Business Licence.


    Motion CARRIED.

    The Chair adjourned the meeting at 9:06 pm.

    Motion CARRIED.