Council Minutes

Council Chambers & Electronic Meeting
  • Mayor S. Goodmanson
  • Councillor K. Guiry
  • Councillor C. Harder
  • Councillor M. Morley
  • Councillor L. Szpak
  • Councillor M. Wagner
  • Councillor K. Yacucha
  • D. Kiedyk, Chief Administrative Officer
  • M. Watmough, Deputy Director of Corporate Services
  • M. Baldwin, Director of Planning and Subdivision
  • M. Dillabaugh, Director of Finance
  • K. Balzer, Director of Engineering and Public Works
  • Y. Nielsen, Director of Parks, Recreation and Facilities
  • K. Dube, Senior Manager of Information Technology and GIS
  • C. Lowe, IT Support Specialist
  • N. Johnston, Legislative Services Administrative Coordinator

Meeting available by teleconference.

Mayor Goodmanson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Councillor Harder read the City of Langford's Territorial Acknowledgment.

M. Watmough, Deputy Director of Corporate Services, read the City of Langford's meeting conduct rules.


    THAT Council approve the agenda as presented.

    Motion CARRIED.

“Langford Zoning Bylaw, Amendment No. 706 (982, 984, 986, 988 Bray Avenue), Bylaw No. 2019, 2022".

The Mayor opened the Public Hearing for Bylaw No. 2019 at 7:05 pm.

Director of Planning Matthew Baldwin advised Kristian Harvie, of Woodsmere Holdings Corp, has applied to rezone 982, 984, 986, and 988 Bray Avenue from the One- and Two-Family Residential (R2) Zone to the City Centre (CC1) Zone. 

This is being proposed in order to allow for the development of a six-storey rental apartment building with approximately 59 units and 74 parking stalls.

In support of this application, the applicant has agreed to:

1.    Register a Section 219 covenant, prior to Bylaw Adoption, that is in priority of all other charges on title, that agrees to the following: 

a.    That frontage improvements, a stormwater management plan, a construction parking and traffic management plan, and mitigation plan are provided to Bylaw 1000 standards to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering prior to the issuance of a Building Permit
b.    That the properties be consolidated prior to issuance of a Development Permit for Form and Character;
c.    That a separate covenant be registered prior to issuance of a building permit for the proposed development that ensures residential parking is allocated to each unit and visitors as required by the zoning bylaw and is not provided in exchange for compensation separate from that of a residential unit;
d.    That all concrete used on-site will utilize ready-mix concrete that meets or exceeds the weighted average Global Warming Potential targets based on Concrete BC Baseline (average) mix data, and that prior to the issuance of a Building Permit the applicant shall provide a Type III Environmental Product Declaration that is 3rd party verified specifying the total Global Warming Potential value and confirming that the proposed development meets the requirements of Low Carbon Concrete Policy POL-0167-PLAN;
e.    That the developer submit the Fire Underwriters Survey (FUS) calculations prior to the issuance of a development permit to develop the property, and acknowledges that these calculations may determiner different setbacks than what is prescribed in the zone or from what has been grated through variances;
f.    That, prior to the issuance of a Building Permit, the developer enters into a Housing Agreement with the City that requires a minimum 10% of units constructed be rented at a rate no higher than 30% of the median renter income as calculated by the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation for Langford for a term not less than 10 years or that a minimum of 5% of the units constructed be directed to and sold in accordance with the terms of the Attainable Home Ownership Program Policy (POL-0166-PLAN). The developer shall identify the Attainable Units on the plans submitted for the required Development Permit application.
g.    That at least 10% of the units be designed as adaptable units and that at least 70% of the units have side-by-side washer and dryers, to the satisfaction of the Chief Building Inspector;
h.    That the rooftop patio located on the northwestern side be designed with 5-foot-tall translucent glass along the western side to increase the privacy to existing neighbours, to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning;
i.    That no occupancy permit be issued for the proposed building until a strata plan for the building has been registered, to the satisfaction of the Approving Officer;
j.    That electric heat pumps be installed, to the satisfaction of the Chief Building Inspector; and
k.    That the foyer panel is designed to accommodate visual challenges, to the satisfaction of the Chief Building Inspector.
In support of this application, the applicant has agreed to provide the following as a bonus for increased density:
1.    $750 towards the Affordable Housing Reserve Fund; and
2.    $2,850 towards the General Amenity Reserve Fund;

Subject to reductions in accordance with the Affordable Housing and Amenity Contribution Policy and the Attainable Housing Policy depending on use and height.

This proposal is consistent with the Official Community Plan City Centre designation. 

Notifications and advertisements have been placed as required by the Local Government Act.

Mayor Goodmanson called a first time for presentations.

K. Harvie, Woodsmere Holding Corp (Applicant) - provided a presentation regarding the development to Council. 

B. Armstrong Rodney Rd - The speaker expressed support for the changes made from the last time the item was presented. The speaker noted the building height may prevent light from accessing neighbouring properties. The speaker asked about fans and ducting affecting neighbours from noise. The speaker also inquired about standards for noise in the municipality. The speaker noted the area already is experiencing parking issues. 

M. Baldwin, Director of Planning and Subdivision responded - That noise, dust or litter should not be going onto another property. Noise bylaw anticipations can be difficult to gauge before building. 

Mayor Goodmanson called a second time for presentations.

None presented. 

Mayor Goodmanson called a third time for presentations.

K. Daniels, Gade Rd - The speaker noted the development is important as people are struggling to find housing. The speaker noted rentals are important and needed in the community. The speaker asked Council to consider the approval of this application. 

Mayor Goodmanson declared the Public Hearing for Bylaw No. 2019 closed at 7:27 pm.

“Langford Official Community Plan Bylaw, Amendment No. 49, (2207 Millstream Road), Bylaw No. 2149, 2024".

“Langford Zoning Bylaw, Amendment No. 708 (2207 Millstream Road), Bylaw No. 2150, 2024".

The Mayor opened the Public Hearing for Bylaw Nos. 2149 and 2150 at 7:28 pm.

Director of Planning Matthew Baldwin advised Reid Kaufmann of Langford Heights Development LP has applied to amend the Official Community Plan designation of a portion of the property at 2207 Millstream Road from “Business or Light Industrial” to “Neighbourhood” and to amend a portion of the zoning designation of the same property from the “Business Park (BP9) Zone” to the “One- and Two-Family Residential (R2) Zone”. 

This is being proposed in order to adjust the western boundary lines of the OCP and Zoning designations by approximately 10 metres.

In support of this application, the applicant has agreed to provide the following contributions per residential lot created as a bonus for increased density:

1.    $660 towards the Affordable Housing Reserve Fund; and
2.    $3,960 towards the General Amenity Reserve Fund. 

Prior to adoption, the applicant has also agreed to register a convent with the following requirements:

1.    That a mitigation plan be provided and implemented to Bylaw 1000 standards, all to the satisfaction of the Direction of Engineering;
2.    That a replanting plan for areas disturbed in the non-disturbance area be provided, along with the associated bond for those works, all to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning; and 
3.    That no vehicle access be permitted from the business park lands through the residential lands by way of the cul-du-sac that is located to the north of the residential lands. 

Notifications and advertisements have been placed as required by the Local Government Act.

Mayor Goodmanson called a first time for presentations.

R. Kaufmann, Langford Heights Development Project (Applicant) - Provided a presentation regarding the proposed development to Council. 

D. Ramolho, Goldie Ave - The speaker expressed concern regarding the development, noting the proposed emergency road and connections to Millstream Elementary School. 

K. Balzer, Director of Engineering and Public Works responded - That Goldie Ave has a road right of way, unfortunately it is adjacent to the creek and flood plain. It was determined best to stay out of the treed area. 

Mayor Goodmanson called a second time for presentations.

R. McClure, Bellamy Rd - The speaker inquired if the road could become an emergency egress in the event of a natural disaster. The speaker inquired if trees will be removed from the ten-meter area presented. The speaker noted Thetis Heights needs sidewalks. 

K. Balzer, Director of Engineering and Public Works responded - That the road could be used in for any emergency circumstances. 

M. Baldwin, Director of Planning and Subdivision responded - That no trees are located in the ten-meter area as they were removed during development permit. 

Becca, Veterans Memorial Pkwy - The speaker expressed support for the proposed development application. 

D Ramolho, Goldie Ave - The speaker expressed a need to address traffic increases in the Millstream Area. The speaker expressed support for the Goldie Trail access. The speaker inquired if the road could be moved elsewhere or another consideration that could be made to avoid traffic on Treanor. 

K. Machina, Watt Consulting Group (Applicant) responded - They noted a number of improvements have been submitted to the City regarding traffic in this area. 

K. Balzer, Director of Engineering and Public Works responded - That the larger traffic impact assessment recommended that local roads could handle the traffic.

Mayor Goodmanson called for a third time for presentations.

None presented. 

Mayor Goodmanson asked for comments from Council 

Councillor Szpak inquired as to why sidewalks were not included initially. 

M. Baldwin, Director of Planning and Subdivision responded - That Council may direct use of those funds for sidewalks. 

Councillor Yacucha inquired if the ten-meter changes would affect the number of units.

R. Kaufmann, Applicant responded - the ten meters impacts the homes. 

Councillor Wagner inquired about heat pumps for the project.

R. Kaufmann, Applicant responded - that they are in support of heat pumps. 

Councillor Wagner inquired if the road is wide enough for an emergency exit.

K. Balzer, Director of Engineering and Public Works responded - Yes, both public and emergency vehicles. The grading and angle of the intersection is not ideal for everyday use though it is useable in an emergency. 

Councillor Wagner inquired if business park traffic will be using it the road. 

K. Balzer, Director of Engineering and Public Works responded - No, emergencies only. 

Councillor Guiry inquired about traffic and neighbourhood safety noting the feedback from residents will be captured for the whole neighbourhood. 

K. Balzer, Director of Engineering and Public Works responded - Yes, the City keeps all correspondence and takes feedback into consideration when making decisions. 

Councillor Morley inquired about the affordability of these properties. 

R. Kaufmann, Applicant responded - They are unsure at this time, properties do have a suite in them and duplexes at a lower price. 

Mayor Goodmanson inquired about the boundary correction noting that the land was not cleared. Would like clarification.

R. Kaufmann, Applicant responded - the ten-meter area has not been cleared. We are keeping the boundary the same. 

Mayor Goodmanson inquired about heat pumps noting the applicant said they were an option.

Councillor Wagner noted that heat pumps should be a condition of rezoning from the Sustainable Development Advisory Committee. 

R. Kaufmann, Applicant responded - That heat pumps will be a part of the suites.

M. Baldwin, Director of Planning and Subdivision responded - Clarified that the development Covenant through previous rezoning requires the use of heat pumps before the adoption of the Bylaw.

Mayor Goodmanson inquired about the access to Trudie Road. That steep roads due exist in other parts of Langford.

K. Balzer, Director of Engineering and Public Works responded - They confirmed that yes steeper roads do exist and have been grandfathered in before the Bylaw requirements.

Councillor Szpak noted that heat pumps were a requirement of resolutions after the development was presented at the Sustainable Development Advisory Committee December 11, 2023.

Mayor Goodmanson inquired about a right of way on the land in 2019. Inquired about the lack of access.

K. Balzer, Director of Engineering and Public Works responded - That the road right of way was always present.

Mayor Goodmanson declared the Public Hearing for Bylaw Nos. 2149 and 2150 closed at 8:18 pm.

“Langford Zoning Bylaw, Amendment No. 710 (Text Amendment to Increase Daycare Capacity), Bylaw No. 2154, 2024".

Councillor Guiry left the meeting at 8:18 pm citing a possible pecuniary conflict of interest. 

The Mayor opened the Public Hearing for Bylaw No. 2154 at 8:18 pm.

Chris Loranger has applied on behalf of Plexxis to amend the text of the Comprehensive Development - Westhills (CD3) Zone to allow for a group daycare with 53 children at 1331 Westhills Drive. 

In support of this application, the applicant has agreed to:

1.    Register a Section 219 covenant, prior to Bylaw Adoption that agrees to the following:

a.    That the following Transit Demand Management strategies be implemented and maintained for all office users:

i.    Guaranteed Ride Home program with a minimum of 8 reimbursable trips per employee per year; and

ii.    Provide employees with at least $1.55 per day for not using a single occupant vehicle as their travel mode.

b.    That no-parking stalls be assigned to specific users with the exception of the daycare leaseholder and that all parking be provided on a first-come-first-served basis, with the exception of accessible parking stalls and designated pick-up and drop-off stalls for the daycare use.

Council has also directed staff to provide notice that Council will consider issuing a Development Variance Permit for the property at 1331 Westhills Drive in accordance with the following:

i.    That Section 4.01.01 of Bylaw 300 be varied to reduce the required onsite parking from 126 to 118 parking stalls.

This proposal is consistent with the Official Community Plan Neighbourhood Centre designation. 

Notifications and advertisements have been placed as required by the Local Government Act.

Mayor Goodmanson called a first time for presentations.

C. Loranger, Selwyn Falls, Plexxis (Applicant) - The applicant noted working with the City of Langford has been a good experience. 

Mayor Goodmanson called a second time for presentations.

S. Sifert, Walfred Rd - The speaker disagreed with previous comments. 

Mayor Goodmanson called a third time for presentations.

None presented. 

Mayor Goodmanson declared the Public Hearing for Bylaw No. 2154 closed at 8:23 pm.

Councillor Guiry returned to the meeting at 8:23 pm 

None presented. 

Minutes of the WSPR Board of Directors Meeting - January 11, 2024 (RECEIVE)

Minutes of the Council Meeting - February 5, 2024 (ADOPT)


    THAT Council adopt the recommendations for each item of the Consent Agenda as presented.

    • Minutes of the WSPR Board of Directors Meeting - January 11, 2024 (RECEIVE)
    • Minutes of the Council Meeting - February 5, 2024 (ADOPT)
    Motion CARRIED.

K. Balzer, Director of Engineering and Public Works provided an overview of the agreement. 

Mayor Goodmanson opened the floor to questions from Council. K. Balzer, Director of Engineering and Public Works responded.


    THAT Council approve the terms of the licence as attached;


    THAT Council authorize Mayor and CAO, or Corporate Officer, to execute licence agreement CON23-0172 subject to such minor amendments as may be necessary.

    Motion CARRIED.

M. Watmough, Deputy Director of Corporate Services provided an overview of the contract. 

Mayor Goodmanson opened the floor to questions from Council. M. Watmough, Deputy Director of Corporate Services responded. 


    THAT Council approve the CON21-0036 Animal Control Services Agreement contract amendment as attached to this report and authorize the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer, or Corporate Officer, to execute the agreement.


    Direct staff to bring forward amendments the current Animal Control Bylaw for consideration by Council.

    Motion CARRIED.

M. Watmough Deputy Director of Corporate Services provided an overview of the contract. 


    THAT Council approve the lease renewal and authorize it to be signed by the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer or Corporate Officer, on the terms substantially as presented, although minor amendments may be made prior to signing.

    Motion CARRIED.

M. Watmough Deputy Director of Corporate Services provided an overview of the contract. 

Mayor Goodmanson opened the floor to questions from Council. M. Watmough, Deputy Director of Corporate Services, and Y. Nielsen, Director of Parks, Recreation and Facilities responded. 


    THAT Council approve the lease renewal and authorize it to be signed by the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer or Corporate Officer, on the terms substantially as presented, although minor amendments may be made prior to signing.

    Motion CARRIED.



“Langford Zoning Bylaw, Amendment No. 706 (982, 984, 986, 988 Bray Avenue), Bylaw No. 1927, 2022". (SECOND AND THIRD READINGS)


    THAT Council give Bylaw No. 2019 second and third readings.

    Motion CARRIED.

“Mantle Heights DCC Agreement (Project Number 10) Approval Bylaw No. 2143, 2024”. (ADOPTION)


    THAT Council adopt the Mantle Heights Development Cost Charge Agreement (Project 10 Goldstream Business Park) Approval Bylaw No. 2143, 2024 and Mantle Heights DCC Agreement No. CON24-0019.

    Motion CARRIED.

“Langford Official Community Plan Bylaw, Amendment No. 49, (2207 Millstream Road), Bylaw No. 2149, 2024". (SECOND AND THIRD READINGS)


“Langford Zoning Bylaw, Amendment No. 708 (2207 Millstream Road), Bylaw No. 2150, 2024". (SECOND AND THIRD READINGS)


    THAT Council give Bylaw No. 2149 and Bylaw No. 2150 second and third readings.

    Motion CARRIED.

“Langford Zoning Bylaw, Amendment No. 709 (2832, 2834, 2836, and 2838 Knotty Pine Road), Bylaw No. 2151, 2024". (FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD READINGS)


    THAT Council give Bylaw No. 2151 first, second and third readings.

    Motion CARRIED.

“Langford Zoning Bylaw, Amendment No. 710 (Text Amendment to Increase Daycare Capacity), Bylaw No. 2154, 2024". (SECOND AND THIRD READINGS)

Councillor Guiry left the meeting at 8:52 pm 


    THAT Council give Bylaw No. 2154 second and third readings.

    Motion CARRIED.

    THAT Council adjourn the meeting.

    Mayor Goodmanson adjourned the meeting at 8:55 pm.

    Motion CARRIED.