M. Morton, Langford Resident - The speaker expressed concern regarding the operating cost of the Westhills YW/YMCA Langford Aquatic Centre. The speaker expressed that taxpayers should have a say in the potential purchase of the building. The speaker requested a referendum.
W. Hobbs, Langford Resident - The speaker expressed concern regarding the operating cost of the Westhills YW/YMCA Langford Aquatic Centre. The speaker expressed concern regarding the cost of living.
M. Wignall, Langford Resident - The speaker expressed concern regarding the urgency of the building purchase. The speaker expressed concern regarding the operation of the Westhills YW/YMCA Langford Aquatic Centre. The speaker requested a referendum.
H. Bloomenthal, Colwood Resident - The speaker expressed concern that funding will not be available for youth sport organizations if the building is purchased.
B. Rent, Langford Resident - The speaker expressed the need for the aquatic facility in the potential building purchase being required in the community.
N. Johal, Langford Resident - The speaker expressed concern regarding the potential tax increase related to the potential purchase of the building.
K. Grainger, Colwood Resident - The speaker expressed concern regarding the operating costs of the Westhills YW/YMCA Langford Aquatic Centre. The speaker expressed concern that funding will not be available for youth sport organizations if the building is purchased.
G. Brewer, Langford Resident - The speaker expressed concern that funding will not be available for youth sport organizations if the building is purchased. The speaker expressed the need for other facilities.
S. Auerbach, Langford Resident - The speaker expressed concern regarding the operation of the Westhills YW/YMCA Langford Aquatic Centre. The speaker expressed concern regarding the urgency of the building purchase.
B. Armstrong, Langford Resident - The speaker expressed the need for the aquatic facility in the potential building purchase being required in the community.
Council at 7:37 pm, made a motion to extend the Public Participation - Westhills YW/YMCA Langford Aquatic Centre. Please see the motion below.
W. Bowers, Langford Resident - The speaker expressed concern regarding the urgency of the building purchase. The speaker expressed concern regarding the operating cost of the Westhills YW/YMCA Langford Aquatic Centre. The speaker requested a referendum.
S. Sifert, Langford Resident - The speaker expressed concern regarding transparency. The speaker expressed concern regarding the impact to taxpayers. The speaker requested a business case be presented and a review of the operating costs of the Westhills YW/YMCA Langford Aquatic Centre.
A. Allen, Langford Resident - The speaker expressed support for the potential purchase of the Westhills YW/YMCA Langford Aquatic Centre.
S. Rossander, Langford Resident - The speaker expressed concern regarding the lack information provided. The speaker expressed concern regarding a tax increase for operating costs.
B. Sahlstrom, Langford Resident - The speaker expressed concern regarding operating costs. The speaker expressed concern regarding a five-year amortization.
R. McClure, Langford Resident - The speaker expressed support for the potential purchase of the Westhills YW/YMCA Langford Aquatic Centre. The speaker expressed support regarding a five-year amortization.
N. Chan, Langford Resident - The speaker expressed support for the potential purchase of the Westhills YW/YMCA Langford Aquatic Centre. The speaker expressed cost saving measures.
M. Meniere, Langford Resident - The speaker expressed concern regarding the cost to taxpayers of purchasing the building. The speaker requested a referendum.
L. Smith, Colwood Resident - The speaker expressed support for the potential purchase of the Westhills YW/YMCA Langford Aquatic Centre.
N. Medd, CEO, Victoria Conservatory of Music (Westhills), Victoria Resident - The speaker expressed their support for the purchase of the building. The speaker expressed that the three residents of the building are non-profit organizations and that their operating costs are available to the public.
G. Willing, Colwood Resident - The speaker stated they are a City of Langford property owner. The speaker expressed concern for the potential purchase of the Westhills YW/YMCA Langford Aquatic Centre. The speaker is concerned about a potential tax increase. The speaker requested a referendum.
M. Broom, Langford Resident - The speaker expressed support for the potential purchase of the Westhills YW/YMCA Langford Aquatic Centre. The speaker expressed support regarding a five-year amortization.
L. Foxall, Langford Resident - The speaker expressed concern for the potential purchase of the Westhills YW/YMCA Langford Aquatic Centre. The speaker expressed concern regarding the impact to taxpayers. The speaker expressed concern for the lack of a business case and a review of the operating costs of the Westhills YW/YMCA Langford Aquatic Centre.
D. Seaton, Langford Resident - The speaker expressed concern for the potential purchase of the Westhills YW/YMCA Langford Aquatic Centre. The speaker expressed concern regarding the impact to taxpayers. The speaker expressed concern for the lack of a review of the operating costs of the Westhills YW/YMCA Langford Aquatic Centre.
L. Plomp, Langford Resident - The speaker expressed support for the potential purchase of the Westhills YW/YMCA Langford Aquatic Centre. The speaker expressed support regarding a five-year amortization.