Committee of the Whole Minutes

Council Chambers & Electronic Meeting
  • Mayor S. Goodmanson
  • Councillor K. Guiry
  • Councillor C. Harder
  • Councillor L. Szpak
  • Councillor M. Wagner
  • Councillor K. Yacucha
  • Councillor M. Morley
  • D. Kiedyk, Chief Administrative Officer
  • B. Hutchins, Director of Corporate Services
  • M. Watmough, Deputy Director of Corporate Services
  • M. Baldwin, Director of Planning and Subdivision
  • M. Dillabaugh, Director of Finance
  • K. Balzer, Director of Engineering and Public Works
  • Y. Nielsen, Director of Parks, Recreation and Facilities
  • K. Dube, Senior Manager of Information Technology and GIS
  • D. Petrie, Senior Manager of Business Development and Events
  • S. Rose, Inspector, West Shore RCMP
  • C. Aubrey, Fire Chief
  • L. Fletcher, Manager of Community Safety and Municipal Enforcement
  • W. Robinson, Manager of Building Services
  • C. Staniforth, Financial Analyst
  • Travis Booth, GIS Lead
  • N. Johnston, Legislative Services Administrative Coordinator

Meeting available by teleconference.

The Chair called the meeting to order at 12:03 pm.

Councillor Guiry read the City of Langford's Territorial Acknowledgment.

M. Watmough, Corporate Officer, read the meeting rules of conduct.


    THAT the Committee approve the agenda as presented.

    Motion CARRIED.

M. Dillabaugh, Director of Finance provided a brief overview of the items to be discussed during the meeting. 

F. Johnson, Hannington Road - Speaker expressed concern with the changes to potential YMCA purchase. Speaker wished for the $1.9 million subsidy to continue instead. Speaker expressed support for asset management strategies. Speaker expressed concern with the proposed tax increase. 

W. Hobbs, Luxton Road -  Speaker expressed support for new staff in Engineering department. Speaker expressed concerns with traffic on Luxton Road. Speaker expressed concern with the lack of sidewalks on Luxton Road. Speaker wished for Luxton to be considered for sidewalk installation sooner than proposed. Speaker expressed concern with the addition of a Paralegal on staff. Speaker inquired as to whether the proposed election budget will be for six or eight council members. 

K. Balzer, Director of Engineering and Public Works responded - That sidewalk infill list shown is not exhaustive. 

S. Costello, Robalee Place - Speaker expressed a need for Council to consider reducing budget items due to our financial situation. Speaker expressed support for additional police and fire staff. Speaker wished for the tax reduction from amenity funds to continue. Speaker expressed a need for infrastructure to benefit tax payers. Speaker inquired as to whether the Veterans Memorial overpass is being considered for expansion as it is no longer sufficient for the population and use. Speaker expressed a need for more roads. Speaker wished to see the YMCA dropped from the budget and the funds given to the Juan de Fuca Recreation Centre to facilitate growth. Speaker noted YMCA and PFC may be too expensive for the City and asked if they pay taxes to the City. Speaker expressed concern with the proposed tax increase. 

M. Dillabaugh, Director of Finance responded - The City does not receive tax revenue from PFC or the YMCA as part of their contracts or agreements. 

K. Balzer, Director of Engineering and Public Works responded - The City is currently participating in a provincial study that includes the Veterans Memorial overpass. 

M. Morton, Phelps Ave - Speaker expressed a wish to see what the service levels of the municipality are. Speaker inquired as to the impacts to these service levels if staffing is not increased. Speaker encouraged Council to engage with the public to see if a lower service level would be acceptable if it meant taxation savings.

M. Dillabaugh, Director of Finance responded - Population growth, workload, and additional services legislated from province are impacting service levels. Noted municipalities cannot hire one person to cover many jobs as departments and expertise areas are separate. 

B. Hutchins, Director of Corporate Services responded - HR Advisor position will help to deal with legislative requirements including health and safety as well as union contract administration. 

M. Dillabaugh, Director of Finance responded - Cutting these positions from the proposed budget would not reduce this increase percentage to zero as there is carry over from positions funded this year. 

N. Johal, Langford Resident - Speaker expressed support for RCMP additional staffing. Speaker inquired if Dry Grad and the Sarah Beckett Run was going to receive funding. Speaker wished to see these items funded over the E-bike program and community gardens. 

M. Dillabaugh, Director of Finance responded - Funding comes through Grant in Aid and the Mayor's Golf Tournament. At this time, staff are unsure what avenue Dry Grad and the Sarah Beckett Run were funded by previously. 

K .Middleton, Kingsview Ridge - Speaker expressed support for the RCMP staff funding. Speaker expressed concern with the YMCA potential purchase, Starlight Stadium expansion, Council's travel budget, and consultant expenses. Speaker encouraged sending less representatives to conferences, or attending online. Speaker encouraged the use of students through partnerships with local post-secondary institutions.

Mayor Goodmanson asked staff to comment on the use of consultants in Langford. 

M. Dillabaugh, Director of Finance responded - Consultants are used to supplement expertise, alleviate the need for another full time employee, assist with capacity challenges, and help complete short term projects. 

B. Hutchins, Director of Corporate Services responded - City has a strong relationship with post secondary institutions and hiring students. 

D. Kiedyk, Chief Administrative Officer responded - City is experiencing an unusual year and hiring consultants can help us get work done funded through grants and surplus. 

D. Stroud, Jeannine Drive - Speaker expressed support for OCP Refresh, master plans, and the Urban Forest Management Plan. Expressed support for community gardens, climate action planning, and hiring a climate specialist. Speaker inquired as to what the deadline for correspondence pertaining to budget was. 

M. Dillabaugh, Director of Finance responded - public correspondence will be accepted until the budget is approved.  

T. Renken Sebastian, Jacklin Road - Speaker noted that providing full time jobs is more beneficial than hiring consultants as people in this community need work.  

D. James, Dornier Road - Speaker expressed support for the end of using General Amenity to reduce taxes. Speaker expressed support for additional RCMP staffing and wondered if we would go further. Speaker expressed concern with the little free libraries as we have the GVPL system that also facilitate community gathering and socialization. Speaker expressed support for E-bike subsidies. 

Councillor Harder left the meeting at 12:44pm 

K. Middleton, Kingsview Ridge - Speaker expressed support for community gardens noting community building, social benefits, generosity, and education. Speaker also noted birds, pollinators and green spaces would be supported by community gardens. 

Councillor Harder returned to the meeting at 12:47pm

S. Costello, Robalee Place - Speaker expressed concern with the YMCA and PFC not paying the City taxes. Speaker expressed a need for Council to remember that cars are still very important in the community. Speaker encouraged Council to sell the property at 3680 Trans Canada Highway. Speaker expressed a need for Council to consider alternatives for PFC seating to support the City. Speaker expressed concern for the proposed tax rates. 

W. Hobbs, Luxton Road - Speaker expressed support for Fire and Police staffing. Speaker expressed concern with the following budget items: E-bikes, murals, crosswalk in the downtown core, largest little free library, and community gardens. Speaker noted that composting initiatives can attract vermin and the City is already experiencing issues with this already. Speaker wished for Luxton sidewalks to be moved up the list into the top three projects. 

Mayor Goodmanson asked staff to comment on the speakers points presented earlier and during this second opportunity. 

B. Hutchins, Director of Corporate Services responded - City has many contracts and in 2023, turned over 208. Paralegal position would assist with this also. 800 active contracts within the City and we need additional help. 

B. Hutchins, Director of Corporate Services responded - Regarding moving up to eight Councillors members from six: The City has the option to do so at the 2030 municipal election as the census data must be available to support the population numbers. 

F. Johnson, Hannington Road - Speaker expressed gratitude for the budget materials accessibility but noted some items are unclear. Speaker disagreed that surplus does not affect taxes. Speaker inquired as to where the Growing Communities Fund money is and why it is not presented. 

M. Dillabaugh, Director of Finance responded - apologies for the item being left out and it will be brought forward at the next meeting. The $16.4 million is in a reserve fund as required. 

M. Morton, Phelps Avenue - Speaker noted community gardens and compost should not be a high priority. Speaker inquired as to whether the YMCA has been providing reports to the City. 

M. Dillabaugh, Director of Finance responded - confirmed the YMCA has been sending these reports. 

N. Johal, Langford  - Speaker noted that the proposed tax increase would have negative impacts on seniors in the community. Speaker expressed a need for the City to reduce budget items but not the RCMP and Fire staffing. 

L. Plomp, Whimfield Terrace - Speaker expressed support for community gardens noting growing own food can be cost saving. 

D. James, Dornier Road - Speaker expressed support for community gardens and inquired about dog parks in Langford. 

D. Kiedyk, Chief Administrative Officer responded - City is looking for new dog park areas and will be included in the Parks Master Plan. 

W. Hobbs, Luxton Road - Speaker wished for Council to share rooms and attend via zoom to participate in conferences. 

F. Johnson, Hannington Road - Speaker expressed a need to scale back the budget and noted the trolleys could be sold. Speaker encouraged Council to implement income testing when offering a grant for E-bikes and to not offer this program if the province resumes theirs. Speaker encouraged Council to make land available for community gardens and look for leaders in the community to take it on. 

R. Louie, Langford - Speaker noted that holding many books inside a trolley could be hazardous. Speaker noted there are many free little libraries in the Community but Westhills seems to be lacking. Speaker expressed concern with the proposed property tax increase. 

T. Renken-Sebastian, Jacklin Road - Speaker expressed support for the trolley being used as a mobile library. Speaker expressed support for the City having master plans and strategic plans. 

P. Hamilton, Langford - Speaker expressed concern about the E-bike rebate program noting many can be quite fast and should exercise caution when allowing them on the trails and roads. 

S. Costello, Robalee Place - Speaker inquired as to whether or not suites and apartment buildings pay taxes noting that school taxes could be collected from more places if this was the case.

M. Dillabaugh, Director of Finance responded - apartment building do pay taxes but illegal suites likely do not. To be taxed, a property needs a folio number and an assessed value from BC Assessment.

M. Dillabaugh, Director of Finance responded - Province sets limits on how much an existing rental property's rent can be increased annually. This value is not tied to property tax increases. 

M. Morton, Phelps Avenue - Speaker noted the largest little free library would need protection, security, and staff.  

M. Wignall, Selwyn Road - Speaker encouraged Council to look for areas that can be reduced in the budget deliberations. 

S. Rossander, Langford - Speaker noted that there is less information available to the public regarding the 2024 budget. Speaker inquired about questions asked through the [email protected] email address. 

B. Hutchins, Director of Corporate Services responded - all correspondence from this email inbox is being shown to Council. 

T. Renken-Sebastian, Jacklin Road - Speaker agreed that budget materials are less available than the last year. Speaker asked for more information to be made available as well as further engagement opportunities. 

N. Johal, Langford - Speaker encouraged Council to review traffic and speeds on Luxton Road. Speaker noted community gardens need to be taken care of all year round and used properly. 

Public Participation closed at 1:35 pm. 

The Committee of the Whole meeting recessed at 1:37 pm and resumed at 1:53 pm. 


    THAT the Committee take a ten minute recess beginning at 1:37pm. 

    Motion CARRIED.

M. Dillabaugh, Director of Finance provided an overview of the Committee deliberation topics including capital projects and their respective budgets. 

Mayor Goodmanson opened the floor for comments and questions from the Committee. 

Councillor Harder inquired about the report as directed at the last Committee of the Whole meeting. 

M. Dillabaugh, Director of Finance responded - report will be coming at next Committee of the Whole meeting. 

Mayor Goodmanson called for questions pertaining to the Engineering and Public Works projects. 

Councillor Guiry inquired about the sidewalks budget. 

K. Balzer, Director of Engineering and Public Works responded - majority of money is carryover from last year. Treanor is in design phase and will use the remainder of the budget. 

Councillor Guiry inquired about the use of gas tax funding 

K. Balzer, Director of Engineering and Public Works responded - amount is a carryover. 

Councillor Guiry inquired about operational challenges if line item was increased to complete more projects per year. 

K. Balzer, Director of Engineering and Public Works responded - noting the top 2 projects could be achieved in two years and the items presented in this budget within one to three years. 

Councillor Wagner inquired about the sidewalk infill matrix

K. Balzer, Director of Engineering and Public Works responded - the Goldstream sidewalk infill project base budget was increased last year. Sidewalk matrix are all projects that have not been started yet. 

Councillor Harder inquired about the difference between the sidewalk line item and Luxton sidewalk line item. 

K. Balzer, Director of Engineering and Public Works responded - sidewalk infill is funded by General Amenity and the Luxton item was dedicated from building funding. 

Councillor Harder inquired about neighbourhood improvements including potential traffic calming 

K. Balzer, Director of Engineering and Public Works responded -  Yes, traffic calming, asphalt paining and crosswalks are included. 

Councillor Szpak inquired about the Millstream Roundabout line item asking if it is new or just to complete it. 

K. Balzer, Director of Engineering and Public Works responded - Money is there through a small carry over for completion of the project. 

Councillor Szpak inquired about the trolley upgrades and if the GVPL contract would preclude the City from offering a little free library. 

D. Kiedyk, Chief Administrative Officer responded - staff will look into the GVPL contract. 

Mayor Goodmanson inquired about parking lot paving. 

M. Dillabaugh, Director of Finance responded - Primarily the RCMP detachment and the downtown core. 

B. Hutchins, Director of Corporate Services responded - there are three lots near Danbrook Park for the University Campus that need to be prepared this year. 

Mayor Goodmanson inquired about the surface treatment to be used. 

K. Balzer, Director of Engineering and Public Works responded - staff can write a report to help look for cost savings including electrical conduit to our bylaw standards. 

Mayor Goodmanson inquired about the trolley budget 

M. Dillabaugh, Director of Finance responded - requested budget would be to make it safe and accessible if it was to be used. 

Mayor Goodmanson inquired about sidewalk infill on Latoria and cycling lanes. 

K. Balzer, Director of Engineering and Public Works responded - staff are working with a consultant for pedestrian and cycling connectivity along Latoria to Colwood border. 

Councillor Yacucha inquired if the trolley budget would be the same to ground one for another purpose 

M. Dillabaugh, Director of Finance responded - staff assume so

Councillor Wagner inquired if the trolley would be mobile or grounded. 

M. Dillabaugh, Director of Finance responded - grounded. 

Councillor Wagner inquired about the trailer at Luxton 

K. Balzer, Director of Engineering and Public Works responded - used by staff and Fire and is in need of upgrade to accommodate growing team.

Councillor Wagner inquired about the city center crosswalk in the Active Transportation Plan or Transportation Plan 

K. Balzer, Director of Engineering and Public Works responded - Active Transportation Plan is being left to consultant. 

B. Hutchins, Director of Corporate Services responded - if there is to be a sidewalk at Peatt Road and Goldstream Avenue, it will be completed with the University Campus. 

Councillor Wagner clarified that we are having these funds available for when they are needed 

M. Dillabaugh, Director of Finance responded - Beneficial that we are budgeting for it even if it is carried over. 

Councillor Wagner asked to find an item of similar price to remove and what effects it may have 

M. Dillabaugh, Director of Finance responded - Capital funding may not always affect taxes. 

Councillor Wagner clarified the paving budget 

K. Balzer, Director of Engineering and Public Works responded - $50,000 is available in case the City needs to gravel the lot. 

Councillor Szpak inquired about Bear Mountain Parkway 

M. Dillabaugh, Director of Finance responded - project was tendered by City, but 99% funded by the property owners. 

Mayor Goodmanson called for questions pertaining to the Fire and Emergency Services.

Chief Aubrey noted the $30,000 is budgeted for renovations to Fire Station #2.  

Mayor Goodmanson called for questions pertaining to General Governance.

Councillor Wagner inquired about the Masons Building timeline and cost recovery. 

B. Hutchins, Director of Corporate Services responded - likely to finish this year but project is complicated and will be in camera. 

M. Watmough, Deputy Director of Corporate Services responded - price is set for second floor and main floor is outside the agreement and will be fair market value. 

M. Dillabaugh, Director of Finance responded - some costs will be recovered. 

Councillor Wagner inquired if the remaining budget will cover the project. 

D. Kiedyk, Chief Administrative Officer responded - yes. 

Councillor Wagner inquired about the storage item

M. Dillabaugh, Director of Finance responded -  IT storage, not physical. 

Mayor Goodmanson called for questions pertaining to Parks, Recreation, and Facilities. 

Councillor Harder inquired about the Langford Lake Accessible Dock item

Y. Nielsen, Director of Parks Recreation, and Facilities responded - new dock at the boat launch as old one is not accessible and is aging. 

Councillor Szpak inquired about Porcher Park budget. 

Y. Nielsen, Director of Parks Recreation, and Facilities responded - City acquired more greenspace to make the park linear. DCC funding will go to a community garden, playground, walking trails, and plaza. 

Councillor Yacucha inquired if any items are not as urgent 

Y. Nielsen, Director of Parks Recreation, and Facilities responded - many items are maintenance and replacements. 

Councillor Guiry inquired if the Parks and Open Space DCC and a Reserve Parkland and Open Space DCC are combined or what the difference is 

M. Dillabaugh, Director of Finance responded - the one that is not a DCC is funded by selling parkland or for money in lieu of parkland. One account is old and the other is new combining park improvements and acquisition. 

Councillor Wagner inquired if community gardens can be in Porcher Park. 

Y. Nielsen, Director of Parks Recreation, and Facilities responded - yes that is the plan. 

Councillor Wagner inquired if there are opportunities to acquire land in this area and if the improvements DCC can be split. 

M. Dillabaugh, Director of Finance responded - portion can be used but it is separately budgeted. 

Councillor Wagner inquired if the $385,000 for Centennial Park can be saved for the Parks Master Plan

M. Dillabaugh, Director of Finance responded - This would not make funds available as the items are separate. 

Councillor Wagner inquired about a dog park in Centennial Park 

Y. Nielsen, Director of Parks Recreation, and Facilities responded - Parks Master Plan will help us identify needs. 

Councillor Wagner inquired if the structure proposed at Centennial Park is portable and if this is the best location 

Y. Nielsen, Director of Parks Recreation, and Facilities responded - no designs have been given at this time. Parks Master Plan will help us identify needs. 

Councillor Wagner inquired about public use for the structure 

Y. Nielsen, Director of Parks Recreation, and Facilities responded -  facility would be available through a drop in organized by Langford Fastball unsure of details at this time. 

Councillor Guiry inquired about grants for rubberized surfaces 

Y. Nielsen, Director of Parks Recreation, and Facilities responded - we apply though we are not always successful. 

Mayor Goodmanson clarified that the items brought forward are coming to the Parks Master Plan 

Y. Nielsen, Director of Parks Recreation, and Facilities responded - yes many are replacement or repair. 

Mayor Goodmanson inquired about the walls of the structure at Centennial Park 

Y. Nielsen, Director of Parks Recreation, and Facilities responded - no plans yet though they do want it lit and on the same footprint as what is there currently. 

Councillor Yacucha inquired if the facility can be rented out 

Y. Nielsen, Director of Parks Recreation, and Facilities responded -  Parks Master Plan can help us identify user fees and work with the agreement with Langford Fastball. 

Councillor Wagner inquired about the "WSP Culvert Trail" 

Councillor Szpak left the meeting at 2:46 pm and returned at 2:47 pm.

Y. Nielsen, Director of Parks Recreation, and Facilities responded -  "West Shore Parkway Culvert Trail" would connect the Jordie Lunn Bike Park to Ronald Road and could facilitate larger races. 

Councillor Wagner inquired if this must be done this year

Y. Nielsen, Director of Parks Recreation, and Facilities responded - Jordie Lunn Bike Park is continuing to be built out and it is a limited area. 

Councillor Wagner inquired about stadium staining 

Y. Nielsen, Director of Parks Recreation, and Facilities responded - City needs to meet warranty requirements

Councillor Wagner inquired if batting cage will come to Community Advisory Committee 

Y. Nielsen, Director of Parks Recreation, and Facilities responded - can ask Langford Fastball to make a presentation. 

B. Hutchins, Director of Corporate Services responded - once approved, the item is not subject to public debate. 

Councillor Szpak inquired about Willing Park budget and neighbourhood fundraising 

Y. Nielsen, Director of Parks Recreation, and Facilities responded - neighbourhood is helping us remove invasive species. Budget is for plantings, pads, and picnic tables. 

Councillor Szpak inquired about formalizing this process 

Y. Nielsen, Director of Parks Recreation, and Facilities responded - staff work with neighbourhood associations and the Green Team. Encouraged people to reach out if they wish to organize something.  

Mayor Goodmanson inquired if the Jordie Lunn Bike Park will be completed this year 

Y. Nielsen, Director of Parks Recreation, and Facilities responded - Occupancy for Clubhouse has been granted and tenants are making improvements. Payment for landscaping is left still and outfitting the kitchen. 

Mayor Goodmanson called for questions pertaining to Police and Community Safety

Mayor Goodmanson inquired if vehicle replacements were going to be electric

M. Dillabaugh, Director of Finance responded - Community Safety will try to get electric first, then hybrid, then gas. 

Councillor Wagner inquired how the $721,000 will be working with the CRD taking the funding on

M. Dillabaugh, Director of Finance responded - this is carry over and all will be spent this year. Project management will remain with the municipalities and financing will be covered by the CRD. 

Councillor Wagner inquired if it will continue to show as police station debt 

M. Dillabaugh, Director of Finance responded - unsure at this time. Asset belongs to the CRD for the borrowing term. 

D. Kiedyk, Chief Administrative Officer responded - the item will be owned by the City when the debt is paid off. 

Mayor Goodmanson clarified that this amount is carried over and is not a new budget item 

M. Dillabaugh, Director of Finance responded - no additional budget is being requested. 

Mike: there is no additional budget often. 200,000 and only spend 50,000 and the rest is coming next year, we just roll it forward. 

Mayor Goodmanson called for any additional questions 

Councillor Yacucha inquired as to what the annual costs for the City are to maintain the trolleys 

M. Dillabaugh, Director of Finance responded -  rough estimate  $2,500-$5,000


    THAT Committee receive a verbal update from Langford fastball through the Parks Department for more information on what the public use of the proposed Centennial Park improvements will be before making budget decisions on that item, provided we can receive a response from Langford Fastball.

    Motion CARRIED.

    OPPOSED: Councillor Szpak 


    THAT the Committee recommend that Council remove budgetary item "OT14 - Trolley Upgrades Largest Little Free Library" from the Capital Budget. 

    Motion DEFEATED.

    OPPOSED: Councillor Guiry, Councillor Harder, Councillor Wagner


    THAT the Committee adjourn the meeting at 3:32 pm.

    Motion CARRIED.
No Item Selected