Capital West Accessibility Advisory Committee Agenda

Council Chambers & Electronic Meeting

To Join a Meeting:

Log into or the Zoom app on your device.

Enter the Meeting ID:  895 1764 4567

Dial In:  1-855-703-8985 (Canada Toll Free) or 1-778-907-2071 Meeting ID:  895 1764 4567

To Participate:  Press Star (*) 9 to "raise your hand".

Participants will be unmuted one by one when it is their turn to speak.

When called upon, you will have to press *6 to unmute the phone from your side as well.

We may experience a delay in opening the meeting due to technical difficulties. In the event that the meeting does not start as scheduled please be patient and stay on the line, we will get started as quickly as possible. 

Public Dial-In Details are also posted at

The attached template will provide partner municipalities with a beginning framework. Partner municipalities may wish to consult the following when drafting their individual sections of the plan: 

  • Results of Survey #1 "Accessibility Engagement" 
  • Results of Survey #2 "Accessibility and You" 
  • "What People Said" final report from Changing Paces 
  • Accessibility feedback received directly to the municipality 

The introduction and conclusion of the Accessibility Plan will be a shared document. 

This item was tabled at the Special Capital West Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting held September 4, 2024 

At the Special meeting held September 4th 2024, the Committee considered a quote of $10,000 - $12,000 to create a PDF document. Direction was received to inquire about a Word version.